January 5, 2023Creative Living

#75: When to Give Up and When to Give It Another Go

Would you forgive yourself if you throw in the towel?

Would you sleep better at night knowing you haven't given it your best shot yet?

When I find myself having to make a decision and choose whether to give up or give something another go, my inner compass always points to finding out the answer to this question: Have I given it my best yet?

If not, I keep on keeping on and pour my heart out as long as I can.

If I did, I make peace with the outcome and let go.

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Hi, and thanks for reading! I'm Kishly, a cheerleader of creatives and copywriter turned marketing strategist. Bookmark this blog to read my daily atomic essays on marketing, compassionate productivity, creative living, and lifelong learning. Or subscribe to Process, my weekly-ish newsletter for young adults (and the young at heart) in pursuit of wisdom and wonder. ✨

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