November 5, 2022Healthy Habits

#13: If You're Trying to Build Too Many Habits

Struggling to build habits?

I was too—specifically when I was trying to do it all. And when I say all, I mean all the activities productivity gurus preach online.

With countless "that girl" routines and "habits of highly successful people" Instagram posts and YouTube videos, I once felt like I had to overhaul my daily routine and incorporate every suggestion they present. Wake up at 4am, eat veggies for breakfast, go to the gym at 9, meditate, practice yoga, read one book a week, do morning pages—you might've heard a couple of these already!

Just last year, I wanted to build 6 habits all at the same time. (How optimistic—and unrealistic—of me!)

These habits sound perfect (and easy) on paper, but trying to do them all—and failing almost every day—just left me frustrated, unmotivated, and critical of myself.

So last month, I tried to simplify my daily rituals.

Inspired by Amy Landino's book Good Morning, Good Life, I now focus on cultivating only three habits. They fall under the following buckets. 👇🏼

1. Mindfulness

Every morning, I journal, pray, and read my Bible. When I feel a bit antsy, I also sit on a chair outside, stare at the potted plants lined up in front of our house, and open Headspace for a 10-minute meditation session before I clock in at work.

2. Movement

I walk my chubby chihuahua Ringo for 10 minutes every morning and afternoon. When I can squeeze more exercise minutes in, I also practice pilates.

3. Mastery

I've been trying to write and publish my thoughts daily. It's Day 13 for me now, and I hope I don't break the chain anytime soon (but if I do, it's okay).


I've been practicing all three habits for 10 days straight now. It feels pretty great, so I hope I stick with them in the long run! 🤞🏼

If you're struggling to build healthy habits, try simplifying and starting with three core habits that support the dream life you want to build.

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Hi, and thanks for reading! I'm Kishly, a cheerleader of creatives and copywriter turned marketing strategist. Bookmark this blog to read my daily atomic essays on marketing, compassionate productivity, creative living, and lifelong learning. Or subscribe to Process, my weekly-ish newsletter for young adults (and the young at heart) in pursuit of wisdom and wonder. ✨

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