June 14, 2023Personal Growth

28: What Does Getting Your Life Together Even Mean?

If you type the statement “get your life together” on the YouTube search bar, you’ll get approximately 5,200,000 results (according to Notion AI, that is).

And there’s a reason why creators keep producing videos on this topic: it’s a hit.

Many people are curious as to how we can put the different pieces of our life together—neatly, and if possible, make it a bit more Instagram-worthy too.

But what does getting one’s life together really mean? How do you know if your life’s together or falling apart? Who sets the standard?

When everyone was ripping the last page of their 2022 calendars to welcome 2023—with fun music, great food, and fireworks—I was crying my eyes out in bed, in the dark, alone in my room.

I felt like my life was falling apart. On New Year’s Day.

If I could go back to that midnight and talk to that version of me, I would gently hug myself and tell her, “It’s going to be okay. You will get your life together again.”

But I haven’t really answered my question yet: what does getting one’s life together really mean?

Fat bank accounts, new cars, launching your own business, getting married (or pregnant), traveling the world, landing your dream job, buying your first house—are these the criteria to help us gauge our progress and determine whether we “made it” in life or have remained to be all-over-the-place losers?

For my twenty-four-year-old self, there’s more to life than these external signals of success.

Getting your life together is not an end goal, but a continual process.

Getting your life together is not measured by material things but by the measure with which we experience peace.

Getting your life together is not a solo and self-centric journey, but a collaboration with the Greatest Artist—our Creator—and the people around us.

Getting your life together won’t look like anyone else’s experience.

There isn’t a clear-cut path nor a perfect recipe to a sumptuous life, it’s a messy adventure filled with joy, pain, happiness, and sorrow—and most importantly, growth.

That’s all I know for now, but I’ll keep you posted through this blog. ;)

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Hi, and thanks for reading! Get Your Life Together is a candid, creative, and chaotic blog for young adults trying to put the pieces of their lives together.

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