July 4, 2023Daily Routine

48: Update Your Morning Routine—Guiltlessly

"While it could be great to be someone that wakes up at 4:00 AM and hits the gym for leg day, meditates for an hour, then eats a large breakfast, and so on and so forth-we can't do it all, and we don't have to. As you're crafting your own morning routine, remember to do it in a way that makes sense for YOU. It should light your life up, rather than drag you down. It won't always be easy, but it shouldn't be something you absolutely dread. So give yourself some grace, and incorporate just a few positive items into your morning to be the successful woman you know you're meant to be." — Anastasia Warren, 10 Things Successful Women Do Before 9AM

Last year, I wrote about my seemingly perfect morning routine. It ticks all my boxes—there's movement and mindfulness involved, plus some writing.

The problem is, that's not realistic for me anymore.

Life circumstances change, the same way seasons and people and almost everything else under the sun do.

Right now, my morning routine is pretty basic:

  • Hygiene-related habits (PSA: don't forget to wear your sunscreen!)
  • Reading a devotional plan from my Bible app
  • Checking my work inbox
  • Making my coffee
  • Walking the dog during my 10-minute break in the morning

I use to feel extremely guilty and disappointed in myself for not being able to write, work out, meditate, journal, and clean the house—all before 8 AM (I blame thousands of #morningroutine videos on YouTube for this. Kidding.).

But the thing is, we have to craft and embrace routines that work for us—for who and where we are right now. We can be inspired by how others spend the first hours of the day, but we don't have to feel pressured to follow every single thing they recommend.

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