October 17, 2021

Don’t Fall in Love With Your Social Media Content Plan. Here’s Why.

If you’re a writer, marketer, or content creator, chances are you’ve seen countless ads harping on this concept: “Plan six month’s worth of content in only 30 minutes or less!”

No judgment here. Because I’m a content writer who fell for it too! And here are the two valuables I’ve learned.

1. Spontaneous and social brands win online.

It’s not wrong to plan your content — it’s a smart move. But it gets sticky when you lean heavily on it and forget to ride relevant trends in your industry.

We have to remember that when it comes to social media, spontaneity is sexy. And freaking effective. This is why at-the-moment posts, trending memes, and clever newsjacking work.

💪🏼 Action step: Supplement your carefully planned content with timely social media posts.

2. Every post you publish is a data point.

When you blindly follow your content plan without reviewing your published posts’ performance, you’re wasting time creating ineffective content.

💪🏼 Action step: Every week, study your best-performing posts. Let what you find further shape your content for the following week.

Content plans are like maps — they help you see the big picture of where you’re going. But don’t fall in love with them.

Let your audience’s reaction be the compass that guides you towards effective content marketing.

This is an #atomicessay originally published in July for #ship30for30.

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