May 30, 2023Personal Growth

13: What You're Worth

One of the telltale signs of the anxious attachment style is low self-worth.

I myself have been plagued by not feeling good enough, worthy enough, or let alone—enough. When people give me compliments, I often awkwardly dismiss it as if saying, "Me? No, I don't deserve all the kind words you're saying!"

I grew up comparing myself to the people around me and most of the time, I fall short in these comparison games, further cementing the idea in my head that I am not enough.

But tonight, it dawned on me that I don't have to spend my whole life trying to prove my worth to the world.

If I learn and honor what I am worth and accept myself—warts and all—while still striving to be better each day, that is enough.

No one has to validate my worth. And I don't have to wait for anyone to recognize my value as long as I do.

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